Today's 09/09/09

After so long.... i have decided to update my blog...

today is September 9th 2009. written as 09/09/09

i think it's a cool number.

here's part of an article from Yahoo! news:

Any grade-schooler could tell you, for example, that the sum of the two-digits resulting from nine multiplied by any other single-digit number will equal nine. So 9x3=27, and 2+7=9.
Multiply nine by any two, three or four-digit number and the sums of those will also break down to nine. For example: 9x62 = 558; 5+5+8=18; 1+8=9.
Sept. 9 also happens to be the 252nd day of the year (2 + 5 +2)...Loving 9